LIFELINKS programs rely on people with the heart and passion for the community, its volunteers and sponsors. Without the donations and their time, none of these programs would be possible.
If you believe that making a positive difference in the community is for you, then please contact us to donate or for Sponsoring opportunities.
Donations can be made by transferring funds directly using online banking.
ACCOUNT # 688 294 REF: “Your Name”
Corporate Sponsorship
Life Links requires funding as a non-for-profit organisation and seeks corporate sponsorship from Small
to Large local businesses in Parramatta. LifeLinks serves the local community and with the help of local
funding we will be able to meet the demand in 2016.
We aim to be able to assist over 700 migrant and asylum seeker families who require assistance with food
and basic essentials. With the help of funding from sponsorship within the local community we will be able
to serve all those in need of emergency relief.
It’s all about working together! We ensure that no matter how big or small your business is we will cater a
sponsorship plan that will suit you and your business. LifeLinks appreciates all types of sponsorship, every
bit counts. Let us help your business through our website, Facebook, Newsletters, Signage and Local Media
presentations. Please contact us today for our Sponsorship Proposal.